Friday, January 24, 2020

Scientific Classification in Biology Essay -- Papers Biological Classi

Scientific Classification in Biology Classification in biology, is the identification, naming, and grouping of organisms into a formal system. The vast numbers of living forms are named and arranged in an orderly manner so that biologists all over the world can be sure they know the exact organism that is being examined and discussed. Groups of organisms must be defined by the selection of important characteristics, or shared traits, that make the members of each group similar to one another and unlike members of other groups. Modern classification schemes also attempt to place groups into categories that will reflect an understanding of the evolutionary processes underlying the similarities and differences among organisms. Such categories form a kind of pyramid, or hierarchy, in which the different levels should represent the different degrees of evolutionary relationship. The hierarchy extends upward from several million species, each made up of individual organisms that are closely related, to a few kingdoms, each containing large assemblages of organisms, many of which are only distantly related. Carolus Linnaeus is probably the single most dominant figure in systematic classification. Born in 1707, he had a mind that was orderly to the extreme. People sent him plants from all over the world, and he would devise a way to relate them. At the age of thirty-two he was the author of fourteen botanical works. His two most famous were Genera Plantarum, developing an artificial sexual system, and Species Plantarum, a famous work where he named and classified every plant known to him, and for the first time gave each plant a binomial. This binomial system was a vast improvement over some of the old descri... and structurally too dissimilar to the species categorized above to fit into that scheme of taxonomy. Although this system is complex and intricate at times, its universality makes it a necessity. With out the system presently in use the world would be years and years behind in their task to name all of the living organisms on earth. This system is great but it is always possible that some new finding could cause the system to evolve to become more inclusive. This system is by no means set in stone, and Linnaeus would probably be astounded to see the way that it has evolved since his original system. Bibliography: Berkely University. Galbraith, Don. Understanding Biology. John Wiley and Sons. Toronto. 1989, Microsoft. Encarta Encyclopedia 97. Microsoft Corporation. 1997

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Jesus as a teacher Essay

Many business leaders of today should understand that one way to improve the output of their employees and human capital is to further increase their training. Although of course this would imply additional calls to the companies if they are the ones who would be shouldering the expenses, a cost-benefit analysis would show that education and investing in human capital is well worth the while and would result in higher profits. This lesson is learned from Jesus when he sent the disciples out to do the ministries, for he understood that it would be enough in just to lecture them on the teachings of God, but also to provide them with firsthand training experience as a foundation for he knew that the time would come that he would be gone (Thousand Oaks, 1993). In the Journal of financial business management, specifically the area of quantitative finance, Cruz underlines the popular method of management dynamics which is the deployment of skilled laborers that have undergone enough training to other franchises and branches of certain business or organization. This falls under matrix management, and a factor that the author claims must be gained and learned by many of the managers and leaders of large corporations with fast-moving goods. This allows for better training experience not only for the employees of the parent company for the constant reshuffling of skilled labor entices others to learn specialized skills, it is also allows for the other sister companies to provide their own trained labor the shuffled back into the system. A result of such management method would be better employees and skilled labor all throughout the system of the company. This is easily recognizable by the sending out of the 12 disciples for it reflects how the distribution of learned and skilled individuals entices others to do the same, letting the learning process grow exponentially over a large geographical location without necessarily having to sacrifice complete learning. One merely needs to look at how much Christianity has developed over the centuries, and if you look at our historical accounts, we realize that it was Jesus idea in the first place that started the missionary work that had allowed for other such institutions under the church to follow suit. (Cruz, 2000) A fast-moving product company, it is essential for leaders and managers to understand the basic needs of consumers in order to increase revenues and decrease costs of production – and eventually increase their profits. It is one thing for leaders and managers to understand the concepts behind the distribution methods of such a company, it is as yet again another thing for them to see firsthand how consumers act to certain variables in certain conditions. jesus as a teacher This, perhaps, is the single most important factor of leadership which we can learn from the teachings and actions of Jesus. We do not need any more to enumerate one by one the Gospels, chapters, and versus where Jesus has reflected such a value because we are already quite knowledgeable of the fact that all throughout the Gospel and all throughout the life of Jesus, he had been the embodiment of teaching. And although the Ministry in teaching was only in the time span of in and around three and half years, during that time he showed that he was the world’s master teacher. His teachings were not merely segregated to lectures for he had also performed the greatest actions and miracles of any story ever said or told (Singer-Towns, 2005). Also, unlike many people who preach about certain teachings and do not do the actions themselves, Jesus asked a teacher exemplified how one should practice what one preaches. He performed great miracles and plot a new way of life and its teachings was not only a modification of various teachings that were set before new ideas that came into existence only when he arrived. Another important factor to point out in discussing Jesus as a teacher is he did not teach very complicated concepts and ideas. Unlike modern teachers of various institutions and universities where one required at least an IQ of 130 in order to even barely understand what they are teaching, the teachings of Jesus were simple to use, words and interest, people. His teachings were so simple that almost anyone who had listened to him – according to the Gospels written – could easily understood him. And when the time came that people could not easily relate to the teachings, he had used one of the most popular tools that are readily available to teachers that only a few took advantage of. As a matter of fact, this method has been so associated with Jesus that dimension or the hearing of the word itself would bring to mind the person. What we are talking about are parables (Woolfe, 2000). Also, his teachings and illustrations and examples of the lessons that he wanted to deliver to those who were listening to him were so near and familiar to the listeners that they could easily understand him. Complicated principles are broken down into simple stories in order for people to truly understand what he was saying. This was also a ingenious way of escaping persecution by the Pharisees and scribes of the time, for who can say that it is illegal to say the truth life story with a special meaning. However again we again go back to the point that the things that she is up for still more important than his methods. What he had addressed his disciples and these listeners and eventually the Gospel were not merely modifications of fast philosophies, but rather a completely new way of life which he summed up in one sentence. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Just among the many of these teachings are his endless discussions with business cycles and followers about the kingdom of God. He made clear that he was the good news, and reminded everyone that the world is not out of control (Thomas Nelson, 2003). God is still in charge, but he has given us free will and not like merely machines that are wound up by the great creator. We have free will, and yet ruled by King, and that is God. Still another parable that had so much effect on his disciples and listeners as the parable of the sower. It was about a farmer who went out to sow his seeds which landed on many types of land, much like how we are. Also, a memorable parable that would perhaps stick with us as Roman Catholics were ever is a parable of the prodigal son. There are also many other parables that are located all throughout the Gospels which would be perhaps too long to enumerate here in our patent. That is just a flea stressing the fact that as a teacher, the device used by Jesus is very effective in delivering his thoughts. In our modern business setting, leaders of organizations should also be teachers. Teachers are not the only exclusive schools and universities. Indeed, many of the key personalities throughout our lives are also our teachers. However, as we progress towards time and we discover our professional selves, many of us have stopped becoming teachers and started to think that we are all merely cogs in a great machine, not anymore responsible for any other people and do not anymore want to share the knowledge that we have gained. It is a common malpractice and misconceptions many of the presidents and managers of business organizations today that they do not need anymore to teach their subordinates. They expect that subordinates can learn for themselves and that employees need practical training experience in order to survive. As we have discussed earlier in this paper, this is true, however, it is also essential or leaders and business managers to share their knowledge and experience to other employees in the elements of their human capital not only in order to increase their profits but also as a basic responsibility of being an employer. Leaders, first and foremost, must be lifelong learners. This is not the first time we hear of this when in face with the leadership. However, some may find its leaders may also be teachers could be a new idea. Some teachers see themselves as experts in their fields and it is their role to impart knowledge to students or empty vessels. However, some see themselves as guides to share what they know, but understand that some students may also already have the proper knowledge that they need. Any of the two are positive traits, as one can readily observe, but in order for us to truly integrate the teachings of Jesus as lead, we must not only teach because of our selfish desires and to increase our utilities or satisfaction levels. We must teach because of love, and it is because of love that Jesus imparts his knowledge – the desire to save humankind. Some say the great teachers have within them not only purpose but the smallest passion. And if that is the case, what better way to express this point than by dining in the cross. What better way for him to let us understand that he was truly passionate about what he taught and that what he said was actually true then by sacrificing his own life for us, but spilling the blood and saving us. Also, we wanted we could learn from Jesus as a teacher which also should be applied by modern leaders of businesses is that we should hear it very important points. Although it is not readily obvious in the Gospel and the life story of Jesus, if we observe his teachings one by one, we would eventually notice that there are only basically a handful of concepts that he wanted people to understand and realize, and that each and every time he presented it in a rather different form. This has allowed them to repeat the important points of what he wanted to say and allowed his listeners to remember is more clearly.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Brave New World By Aldous Huxley - 1136 Words

In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley writes about a dystopian society consisting of consumerism and happiness. This society strictly relies on its rules and provides a narrow way of thinking in life. When John is introduced in the book, he possesses knowledge of a Indian civilization unlike Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson. In this strange civilization, John learned old English from Shakespeare and Christianity, which are ousted in the World States. Because of his knowledge of this information, he is shunned from the new society he is not used to. This alienation pushes him out separating his views of life and the government’s views. In Brave New World, Huxley alienates John and his forbidden knowledge, preventing to upset the World†¦show more content†¦Therefore, the two civilizations sees life in two different views. The reservation contains uncivilized people, unknown religion, old people, undeveloped land. The World States contains soma, sex, consumerism, Ford-ism, young life, technological advancement. Two completely opposite cultures mixed into the book. When Bernard Marx brings him to his home, John begins to initiate a bad influence over many characters. He possesses too many forbidden concept and ideas, which forces him to break the World State’s rules and regulation. By breaking the rules, John causes a disruption to the government. As a result, he could bring the destruction of the World States. John is alienated when he enters the World States. He offers a different perspective in life than the citizens of the World States, which astonishes them. Because of this different perspective, John does not comprehend the rules of the new world he lives in now. Without understanding the their laws and what is forbidden, John is ostracized and alienated from the citizens born into the World State’s system. John starts, â€Å"But aren’t you shortening her life by giving her so much†(154)? John asks the doctor if he is giving the correct dose of soma to his sick mother, Linda. This quote from John clearly shows that John questions life in the city, especially an official doctor. To be a Doctor, one must understand the rules and